Chris Lee


Chris Lee is the owner /principal of AquaTerra and is a Registered Professional Biologist (RPBio), Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP), and Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead in BC (BC-CESCL) with over twelve (12) years of experience in the environmental consulting business. Prior to consulting, Chris worked for Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), heading numerous research projects involving Pacific Salmon and Surf Smelt. Chris’ consulting career was initially focussed on contaminated sites, risk assessments, and environmental monitoring. Shortly thereafter, his focus broadened to include the management of numerous largescale Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Impact Assessment and Habitat Restoration and Enhancement projects. Chris also has extensive experience in fish biology and aquatic habitat assessments, having completed numerous compensation, enhancement and reclamation projects. As a result of Chris’ comprehensive background, he is able to quickly assess the numerous inter-related aspects, options and constraints of a given project and how municipal, provincial and federal regulations, acts, by-laws and guidelines may apply.

Chris has been formally trained in Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC), Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA) Screening Assessments, Environmental Monitoring, Habitat Restoration, and Fish Salvage. He has successfully obtained approvals for numerous in-stream works projects and has authored countless successful CEAA Screening assessments. Moreover, he has experience in expedited approvals for emergency works in numerous municipalities. Chris is also proficient in environmental monitoring. He currently serves as lead environmental monitor for numerous infrastructure and development projects, serving to monitor construction-related activities and evaluate ESC issues. Moreover, Chris has become a leading authority on species-at-risk issues. He regularly presents at Species-at-Risk seminars and has co-authored management plans for a variety of species-at-risk utilizing largescale construction project corridors. Chris has experience with a number of species-at-risk and has evaluated habitat suitability/capability, mitigation strategies, reclamation and enhancement schemes, priority salvage areas and critical habitat areas for a number of projects.

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