Key Aquaterra Personnel

Chris Lee M.Sc., RPBio, QEP, BC-CESCL

Chris Lee is the owner /principal of AquaTerra and is a Registered Professional Biologist (RPBio), Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP), and Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead in BC (BC-CESCL) with over twelve (12) years of experience in the environmental consulting business.
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Andrew Booth RPBio, PBiol, ISA Certified Arborist

Andrew is a Registered Professional Biologist (RPBio)in BC, a Professional Biologist (PBiol) in Alberta and an International Society of Aboriculture Certified Arborist and tree risk assessor with over 7 years experience in the environmental consulting business.
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Olga Fedianina B.A., EPt, BC-CESCL

Olga Fedianina is an Environmental Professional in training (EPt) and has obtained her BC Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (BC-CESCL). Since joining AquaTerra in early 2013 as an environmental technician…
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Mike Lockhart

Mike Lockhart is a fisheries technician, located on Vancouver Island. He currently works for AquaTerra on a part-time basis and is currently attending VIU where he is finishing his BSc. in Fisheries and Aquaculture.
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