Terrestrial Wildlife and Habitat Surveys

Terrestrial Wildlife and Habitat surveys may be a component of an Environmental Assessment (EA), Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), CEAA Screening Assessment, Ecological Risk Assessment (ERA), land use planning study or habitat reclamation, enhancement or compensation project. Moreover, certain municipalities require the completion of Terrestrial Wildlife and Habitat Surveys prior to the issuance of a Development Permit to ensure that appropriate mitigation measures and management strategies are in place prior to the onset of works. Similarly, various Ministerial departments require completion of a wildlife and/or habitat survey prior to the onset of works for infrastructure construction, maintenance or upgrade projects.

AquaTerra has completed focussed wildlife and habitat surveys throughout BC, NWT and Nunavut. Our clients include the federal government, municipalities, resorts, engineering firms, landscape architecture firms, construction corporations, land owners, developers, Independent Power Producers (IPPs).

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