Habitat Mapping

AquaTerra personnel have completed habitat mapping projects for various federal agencies, municipalities, engineering firms, landscape architecture firms, construction contractors, land management agencies and developers.

Habitat mapping serves to facilitate:

  • the calculation of distinct habitat areas on the landscape and evaluating the importance of each (i.e., habitat ranking)
  • the assignment of habitat ratings to common and at-risk species confirmed and potentially utilizing a given area
  • the determination of costs associated with habitat enhancement and compensation strategies
  • the minimization of impacts during proposed development
  • the determination of minimum habitat requirements
  • the evaluation of changes over time (monitoring).

We have also completed or contributed to Ecological Land Classification (ELC), Habitat Suitability and Capability mapping projects for a variety of sensitive species and have completed Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping (TEM) and Predictive Ecosystem Mapping (PEM) projects.

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